Coaches: Gary Rafaloski, Beth Lebow

Aerial Port Gymnastics Center, Fairmont, WV
Head Coach, Gary Rafaloski (Previous All American Gymnast and former Coach to Mary Lou Retton)
Optional Womens Team Coach, Beth Lebow

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer Gymnastics Picnic at Rock Lake

Gymnastics is not all work and no play. These girls were having a great time at Rock Lake. Rylie did an amazing belly flop off the high slide. Everyone including parents played volleyball, swam, and ate lots and lots of food. At the end of the day, the group went to view Valley Falls. I am waiting for a pic of the girls on the rocks watching the falls. My camera was out of film. When I get it, I will add it. It was a great day just to hang out and have a good time.