Coaches: Gary Rafaloski, Beth Lebow
Aerial Port Gymnastics Center, Fairmont, WV
Head Coach, Gary Rafaloski (Previous All American Gymnast and former Coach to Mary Lou Retton)
Optional Womens Team Coach, Beth Lebow
Head Coach, Gary Rafaloski (Previous All American Gymnast and former Coach to Mary Lou Retton)
Optional Womens Team Coach, Beth Lebow
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Silver Medal in West Virginia State Competition!!!
Rylie received second place honors in the Final Competition of the Season, the WV State Competition. She did her personal best overall score ever of 37.925 and went four for four. Four for four simply means that on all four events, the bars, beam, vault, and floor, Rylie made it through with no falls or major deductions. We are so proud of her. Her next step in her gymnastics journey is to travel to Fairmont where she plans to begin training in Mary Lou Retton's first gym, Aerial Port. She is excited to make this move along with her teammate Adrian and is looking forward to learning new skills as she advances now to level five. Her level four season was such a success and we are so proud of her! She really loves this sport and is so fit and healthy.Below is a short video of Rylie at the Mountaineer Classic Competition in 2007. She just looks like a real princess out there!