Coaches: Gary Rafaloski, Beth Lebow

Aerial Port Gymnastics Center, Fairmont, WV
Head Coach, Gary Rafaloski (Previous All American Gymnast and former Coach to Mary Lou Retton)
Optional Womens Team Coach, Beth Lebow

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rylie and Mary Lou Retton

Rylie is now training at Mary Lou Retton's first gym, Aerial Port in Fairmont, WV. Mary Lou stops by with her kids to practice every now and then and Rylie was able to meet her. Marylou was so nice and permitted Stacy to snap this picture of her with Rylie. Rylie loved practicing with Marylou's kids and their team is planning to do an exhibition for her this week. The exhibition will end with participation in a Fourth of July Parade with Mary Lou in Fairmont. Rylie is really having serious fun these days with her gymnastics.